10 Signs Manifestation Is On Its Way

Today, I'm sharing 10 signs that manifestation is on its way.

We’ll cover five internal signs, things that you feel or thoughts that you have, and five external signs, things that manifest in the outer world that let you know you're on track to creating what you want.

These are the signs that I personally pay attention to when I'm wanting to manifest something new. These signs are all about helping you tell how close you're getting to aligning your energy with the energy of what you want to create.

Let's dive in 😁

Manifestation Sign #1 (Internal): The “Click” of Clarity

Basically, this is when you know for sure what you want.

There's no more second guessing. There's no more, “Maybe I want this, maybe I want that.”

You feel aligned with what you want. You feel in resonance with it. You feel decisive about it.

That is a sign that you are on track to creating it because a lot of life is us sorting through experiences and coming to a clear decision about what we really want. And so, once you're at that place of “Yes! THIS is exactly what I want,” that's a clear sign that you’re on track to manifesting something brand new in your reality.

Manifestation Sign #2 (External): A Clarifying Experience

A lot of times, this can be an unwanted or a negative experience. Because often, really strongly experiencing what we don't want makes us very clear about what we want instead.

So that's one way that this can happen which leads to sign number #1 that we just discussed of having that “click” of clarity.

In the more positive sense, this could be something like getting inspired by what someone else has manifested or by the idea of something that we see out in the world and that gives us the click of clarity about what we want.

I like this one because it's a reframe of a negative experience.

Sometimes, we can go through things that are really challenging and we really have to stretch to find the positive benefit.

In those cases, the most positive result of a negative situation may be that it makes us really clear that we want the opposite. Having an experience that results in that level of clarity can be a really powerful sign that we're solidly on track to manifesting a whole new and better experience in our lives.

Manifestation Sign #3: (Internal) Manifesting the Feeling of What You Want

Really being able to feel into what it would be like to experience what you want to manifest is a sign that you’ve aligned your vibration with the vibration of what you want.

Finding that clear feeling of what it would feel like to have what you want is a sign that you’re lasering in on its vibration and you’re getting closer to being able to manifest it.

Manifestation Sign #4: (External) Manifesting Energetically Similar Experiences

What I mean by “energetically similar experiences” is experiences that feel similar to what your intended manifestation feels like.

For example, I was talking to a client the other day who really wants to manifest a great new place to live. While she hasn't quite manifested the full place yet, she has been manifesting a lot of friends wanting her to house sit for them and other opportunities to stay at places that feel like the kind of place where she would want to live.

That's an example of attracting an energetically similar thing to what you want to manifest. Like, it's not the exact thing you want, but it has the same feeling. It has the same energy to it.

Manifestation Sign #5: (Internal) You Feel Mostly Good About It

Sometimes, when we set a new intention we both believe in it and feel positively about it and we also doubt it, worry about it, or feel some level of negativity about it. When you're able to tip the balance and feel positively about what you want to manifest most of the time, that's a sign you’re aligned with it.

When your desire feels more good and inspiring and uplifting to you versus feeling like something you're anxious about or concerned about then that's a clear sign that you're getting closer to the vibration of it. You're getting more aligned with it and it is on its way to manifesting quickly in your reality.

Manifestation Sign #6: (External) Manifesting Signs, Synchronicities and “Winks” from the Universe

Basically, this is when things show up in the outer world that let you know that the universe has heard your request. You feel like you're getting this wink from the universe that tells you you're on track.

One example of this for me was many years ago when I was wanting to change my career. I was open to new career possibilities for myself and I was also getting super interested in my spirituality, specifically my intuitive development.

I came across a professional-level psychic reading training that I was interested in. The city that the lady who was doing the training was from was the same city where I had had my big, dark-night-of-the-soul-turned-spiritual-awakening experience.

For me, this felt like a personal sign. It felt like a synchronicity to see that this teacher was from the same place that held a lot of significance to me. It felt like a wink from the universe and a sign of being on track.

The other sign that I sometimes use, and that I know is kind of a popular one that I've heard of a lot of people using, is specific numbers.

For example, maybe you have a lucky number or a number that's significant to you. For me, it's number 33. And so, sometimes I've seen that number being connected with what I want to manifest or giving me a sign that I'm on track.

I'd love to know if you have any specific ways that you've manifested a sign or a wink from the universe. Like, do you have any favorite numbers or significant numbers that you see that let you know that you're on track to manifesting what you want?

If you have anything like that that you'd like to share about, definitely leave it in the comments below. I'd love to hear what some of those are for you. 😁

Manifestation Sign #7: (Internal) It Feels Doable

Sign #7 is that what you're manifesting feels “doable.” So it doesn't feel like such a stretch. It doesn't feel really big.

It's something that feels more like “the next logical step,” as Abraham would say.

This is either because what you're manifesting is something that maybe isn't logically such a stretch from where you are right now and that's why you can find this “doable” feeling.

Or on the other hand, if you're manifesting something that is a bigger stretch or a leap from where you are right now you've spent enough time visualizing it and aligning yourself with the energy of it that it's feeling more doable. You're tapping into more of your higher self's perspective or your source's perspective that sees whatever you want as easy and doable for you.

Being able to manifest that feeling where what you want feels more easy, natural, or obvious like, “Oh yeah, of course I can manifest this,” is definitely a sign that you are on track to creating what you want.

Manifestation Sign #8: (External) Manifesting Reasons to Believe

You experience Sign #8 whenever you manifest reasons to more fully believe in what you want to create.

For example…

Maybe you’re manifesting different avenues through which what you want seems like it could happen, seeing various possible paths through which manifestation could occur.

Or, maybe you’re manifesting people who already have what you want. Seeing how it's happened for them helps you believe more fully how it could happen for you too

To connect back to sign #7 about how what you want feels “doable,” it's like you're manifesting more reasons, evidence, and signs that help what you want to manifest feel more obvious as a next step.

You start feeling kind of like, “Oh yeah, of course this could be something that I can manifest.”

Manifestation Sign #9: (Internal) You Expect It

Sign #9 is that you have a feeling where you just expect what you want to happen.

You're feeling like you're already the person that has it. Sometimes, you may even get confused and think that it's already part of your reality and like you're you're already that person. So, it's almost confusing to not see it in your reality because you just feel like it's already here!

You're expecting it to show up at any time. You don’t feel tense or anxious or like you're waiting on it, you feel the presence of it. You feel at peace about it.

Feeling all of this is definitely a sign that you've locked onto the vibration and that what you want is on the brink of manifesting.

Manifestation Sign #10: (External) It Seems Likely to Happen Soon

And finally, sign # 10 is that you’re manifesting in the external world signs of how what you want is really likely to happen.

For example, if you're manifesting a new job, you’re scheduling interviews left and right with places that seem like a great place to work.

Or, if you're manifesting a romantic relationship, you’re getting asked out on a lot of dates and you're meeting a lot of great people.

Things are happening in the outer world that are obviously aligned with what you want to create and that make it seem like it's just a matter of time and it's going to very likely happen soon.

Ready to Manifest With Greater Ease, Flow, and Fun?

I hope you’ve enjoyed this look at the 10 signs that manifestation is on its way!

If you'd like more tips and insights on manifesting with greater ease and flow and fun, then I definitely suggest downloading my free guide to the 7 Habits of Highly Magical People.

Click here to check it out.

Love and Magic,



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