5 Thoughts That Help You Manifest

Photo by Jure Širić from Pexels

Photo by Jure Širić from Pexels

Deliberately manifesting what you want basically comes down to talking yourself into it.

Focusing on the following thoughts can help speed along the process of moving from doubt to certainty so that you can bring your inspired ideas fully into form.

Thought #1: If it sounds good to me, it’s meant to be.

Step Zero for manifesting is to trust in the inherent rightness and “meant-to-be-ness” of your own desires. Allow yourself to simply want what you want!

You would not be inspired with a clear, juicy desire if it were not very possible for you to create it.

Manifesting a clear idea of what you want means that you have what it takes to bring it fully into form.

Thought #2: No one else needs to understand or believe in this in order for me to manifest it.

Take the pressure off of yourself by remembering that you don’t have to explain anything to anyone.

No one else needs to “get it” in order for you to create it.

Thought #3: This can be comfortable and easy.

Sometimes, what trips us up is the notion that creating what we want needs to be challenging or difficult.

That mistaken belief can seriously slow down the manifestation!

Instead, remind yourself that there are many paths to the same outcome. And, if you like, you can choose to take the easy, comfortable, good feeling path.

Thought #4: Others did it, and so can I.

Take comfort in remembering that whatever your current desire is, chances are good that plenty of other people have already been exactly where you are right now, with no idea how to manifest it, and yet then they found a way to let in the manifestation.

You can do the same.

Thought #5: I don’t need this to manifest to feel amazing right now.

You don’t have to put off feeling good. Simply holding a desire can feel as good (or better) as actually manifesting it.

Savor the idea of what you want. Imagine it happening in the way that would please you most.

Get to the point where you don’t even care so much if it manifests because just the idea of it is so life-giving.

Ironically, when you get to that place, it starts happening like crazy.

What thoughts help you manifest?

  • What do you tell yourself to help release doubt and cultivate feelings of faith, trust, and knowing?

  • Have you used any of the thoughts above to help find alignment?

  • Or, are there other helpful things you focus on not mentioned above?

Share what works for you in the comments below.

Love and Magic,



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