My Evening Manifesting Routine

Nearly every morning in 2021, you’d see pajama-clad Adrianne with a warm mug of yerba mate in one hand and a colorful, lined journal in the other sitting down at the nearest couch/ bed/ desk for 10-60 minutes of journaling, visualizing, affirming, aligning, and enjoying the good vibes that those practices produce.

Yes, I LOVE my morning manifesting routine and have already shared here and here about the benefits and the practices that I tend to include.

In 2022, I’m adding an evening routine to the mix.

Because, while my morning practice tends to focus upon future manifestations, I’d love to build my skills at more fully enjoying the here and now.

Appreciation is a manifesting muscle that I’d love to strengthen in 2022.

Here’s why:

Reason #1: Appreciation Appreciates

Appreciating the good that’s already in our lives activates the law of attraction to bring more to appreciate. Just like in a financial sense where our assets can appreciate in value, an appreciation vibe also causes growth and expansion to occur.

Sometimes manifesting something brand new is best accomplished not by trying to vibrate with the new but by appreciating ways in which our desire already exists in some form in our current reality.

For example, fun travel is one of my 2022 intentions. And so, to help manifest my dream of spending 3 months in Australia this autumn, I’d be well advised to invest time today appreciating fun travels from the past.

Enjoying memories of eating the most incredible vegan meal of my life in NYC last October or last spring/summer’s local digital nomad adventures around Oregon could go a long way towards manifesting more fun travel for me in 2022.

Reason #2: Appreciation Cures “Always Striving But Never Arriving” Syndrome

As conscious creators it can be easy to fall into the trap of focusing upon where we want to go next so much that we forget to properly appreciate where we’ve been.

Making time to cultivate strong muscles of appreciation is the antidote to feeling like you’re “always striving but never arriving.” Learning to fully celebrate past accomplishments, successes, and manifestations creates a sense of positive momentum and satisfaction that will naturally create more of the same.

Reason #3: Appreciation Activates Abundance

This one is similar to reason #2. It can be tempting to focus upon the new results we desire to manifest from a standpoint that where we are right now isn’t enough or is lacking in some way.

Appreciation flips that notion on its head.

When we focus upon fully savoring all of the good stuff that’s already here, we naturally shift into a mindset of abundance. When we count out all the ways we’re already blessed, all the things that are already going well, we naturally feel way more abundant. And, that elevated abundance vibration is not only much more enjoyable but also much more effectively manifests more abundance into our lives.

Reason #4: Appreciation Feels Really Good

One of my main reasons for wanting to practice more appreciation is because I don’t want to miss out on the good stuff that’s already here.

Appreciation feels really good. I know it’s also good for my manifesting practice, but I’m also just in love with the way it feels to love my life - exactly as it is right now.

Reason #5: Appreciation Has the Power to Improve ‘What Is’

Focusing upon what we appreciate about a person, circumstance, or our lives in general causes those qualities to become more dominant in our vibration and therefore causes us to attract what we appreciate back from reality much more often.

It’s like back when I used appreciation to improve a former job or housing situation.

Appreciation is a powerful manifesting skill for the way in which it not only attracts wonderful new conditions but also for how it helps to bring the best out of current conditions.

My Simple Evening Appreciation Practice

And so, with all those good reasons to practice appreciation in mind, here’s my simple practice:

Every evening, I think to myself or write in my journal:

Today, I appreciate…

And then, I fill in that sentence with whatever comes to mind.

It’s easy to do because it doesn’t add any more time to my day. I can think about what I appreciate while brushing my teeth, loading the dishwasher, or doing any other part of my getting-ready-for-bed routine.

It’s only been a few days, but I already notice that it’s starting to spill over into other parts of the day. I find myself naturally wanting to think appreciation thoughts more often.

Looking forward to seeing how planting more seeds of appreciation not only helps me to enjoy myself more fully right now but also attracts more and more to appreciate over time.

Here’s to loving what is so much that it naturally expands into more.

Love and Magic,



Holding Steady


Best of the Blog - 2021