Roll With It

Over the past six weeks, I’ve slept in eight different beds.

It’s probably been the most tricky part of Nick and I manifesting our “digital nomad” dream.

Since selling our downtown Portland condo early last month, we’ve migrated between Airbnb homes along the Oregon coast and our new home base in the ‘burbs.

For the most part, I’m really enjoying this transitory lifestyle! Experiencing new places feeds my Gemini soul. And, being by the water is a very nurturing thing for me.

But, as can tend to happen when manifesting a dream, or just living life in general… along with the fun parts can also be parts that are... less fun.

Like, in this case, all the new beds to get used to!

Nick is a true champ when it comes to sleep. Within minutes of lights out, I hear the rhythmic in and out of his peaceful sleep-breathing.

Sometimes, I’m like that too.

But lately, more often than not, in a strange new bed… not so much.

Insomnia is a fabulous manifesting teacher when you think about it, providing its best lessons on the art of non-resistance.

The more we resist, push against and get anxious about not being able to sleep, the more tricky manifesting our way into a good snooze tends to become.

So, when I find myself wide awake at 1am, I’m doing my best to try and think something other than, “OMG, now I’m going to have to sleep in and not get to do all that I wanted to do tomorrow” or “Ugh, why can’t I sleep as easily as him?!”

Instead of pushing against my restless mind… I roll with it.

“Okay, if I’m going to be awake right now anyway... why not take advantage of it?”

That’s my best soothing thought these days when it comes to my insomniac tendencies.

I’ll then proceed to get out of bed and get into something from tomorrow’s to do list. For example, I finished last Thursday’s article around 1am in the morning on the Tuesday before.

Because I’m leaning towards being at peace with not being able to sleep, instead of resisting it...

Because I’m looking for the benefit and insisting that “wherever I am right now must be a good place to be”...

Because I’m deciding to just roll with it ...

everything tends to work out pretty well, despite the insomnia.

  • After some middle-of-the-night productivity, I naturally begin to feel drowsy and find my way back to bed.

  • Despite getting only a few hours of sleep the night before, by mid-morning I end up feeling about as good as if I’d slept the whole night.

  • My late night productivity session means my to-list has shrunk. What a nice feeling to wake up to!

That’s the power of non-resistance.

When we do our best to embrace what is instead of push against it, we’re more easily able to transform any so-called negative experience into something beneficial.

We’re able to turn lead into gold, alchemize bad into good, and change “not fun” into “enjoying myself despite what is.”

Reminds me of a few years ago at a Toastmasters meeting when we decided to try improv.

Each person who stood up to speak had to continue along with the story of the person before, improvising the direction that the story would go in next.

The rule was that you could never negate the previous person’s story, no matter how outrageous or weird it may be. Instead, you had to just roll with it.

You had to embrace where the story had gone so far and then transition it into a new direction if you wanted to.

That’s basically our opportunity every day of our lives.

There’s no negating or pushing against the story of what currently is. That never allows for changing the story… it simply ensures that we stay stuck there energetically, manifesting the same type of unwanted stuff again and again.

The best way to transition the story into a new direction is to just... roll with it.

Making peace with where we are right now opens us up to receive guidance on how to make things better.

This non-resistant vibe naturally attracts solutions.

A more relaxed-about-what-is place on the inside automatically opens up the way for new and better to begin appearing on the outside.

So, here’s to embracing the art of the “roll with it” and allowing our non-resistant selves to be naturally guided to better and better.

Love and Magic,



Clean Slate Manifesting


The Quick Way Out of a Bad Mood