We’re the Source of Our Feel-Good

Photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels

Photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels

“That’s SO exciting! Can we record a testimonial about this?” my coach asked, unable to see across the telephone line that my face was not a match to her happy, upbeat tone of voice.

“I’d rather not,” I replied. “Honestly, I feel kind of embarrassed that it took me this long to get here. I feel like I should be doing better.”

Reaching the milestone of making $5,000 in a month in my business did not make me feel as happy and proud as you'd think it would.

But, rewind back two weeks before this conversation (and before a single penny of the $5K had come in), and I was having the opposite experience.

My bank account was nearly empty. Zero evidence was in sight to suggest that more money was on the way.

But, despite being nearly unable to pay my bills, I was in a state of euphoria.

I’d managed to redirect my mind away from painful fear and anxiety around running out of money and towards imagining the reality that I wanted to experience instead - the one where money manifested easily.

As a result of that financial-pressure-inspired state of alignment, that’s exactly what happened. The money showed up.

But, why didn’t the state of euphoria stick around with it?

Shouldn’t I have felt even better once I actually had the money that I’d been feeling so good envisioning?

This experience is just one of many I’ve had that all point to the same simple lesson.

It’s not the manifestation that makes the difference in how we feel.

We’re the source of our feel-good.

How we feel at any time always comes down to the thoughts that we choose.

There’s freedom and power in realizing that nothing on the outside can change how we feel on the inside. We’re always in charge because we get to choose how we direct our attention.

I’m thankful for experiences like the one where my bank account was nearly empty.

It taught me that bliss is always available, even during highly stressful times, if I decide to focus and find it.

I’m thankful for the other part of that story too… when an attitude of “not enough” prevented me from enjoying my money manifestation.

This taught me that getting what I think I want doesn’t guarantee that I’ll actually enjoy it.

Happiness is a practice. It’s a habit. It’s a skill. And, it’s something that’s entirely our job to get good at.

So, let’s never ask the world to give us what only we can give to ourselves.

Any time we’re tempted to blame or thank reality for making us feel a certain way, let’s remind ourselves who’s really in charge.

We’re the source of our feel-good.

So, let’s give ourselves the gift of finding the best feeling of thoughts, the most inspiring of perspectives, and the very friendliest of meanings.

Love and Magic,



The Journey is the Goal


It Doesn’t Define You