Your Dream-Come-True is Closer Than You Think

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

The perfect ingredients needed to manifest your dream come true are already here, in your immediate vicinity.

The fact that you have the desire for something automatically means everything necessary to make it so is already here.

What you most want to manifest is likely in your world right now.

It’s just waiting patiently for you to develop the eyes to see it!

I’m currently working on something that fully explains why this is so. I’ll share this with you soon.

But, in the meantime, I want to share a story that illustrates this creation principle. 

Because, never was this truth that what we want is already here proven to me more clearly than in the experience of manifesting my perfect mate. 

It all started back in June 2014, with a decision to stop telling the story of my disappointments in love and reclaim my power as Divine Creator. 

I decided it was time to start telling a powerful, new love life story so that I could then create a new and better love life reality for myself.

So, I pulled out my favorite journal and wrote in big, all caps letters at the top of a blank page: 


The bold title made me smile, so I knew that I was on the right track.

Next, I filled in allllll the details, describing exactly how men showed up differently for me in this new reality.

For example... 

  • Instead of the men I’m interested in not having enough time to spend together, the men in my “Sexy Awesome Man Vortex” went out of their way to spend quality time with me.

  • Instead of misunderstandings and communication troubles, my “Sexy Awesome Man Vortex” was filled with seamless dialog and easy, natural communication.

Writing out the story of what it was like living in my sexy awesome man vortex caused an immediate energy shift! 

It was like an internal “click,” a feeling of “doneness” and satisfaction with my new creation. 

I said confidently to myself, “Yes, that’s exactly what I want.”

For the next few days afterwards, I reminded myself about how I now lived within this Sexy Awesome Man Vortex.

That’s just how it was going to be for me now! 

Simply because I choose to reclaim my power as Creator of my reality and this is what I decide to create. 

I left it up to the Universe to fill in the details.

Pretty much right away after writing out my new story, I noticed that men seemed to show up differently in my reality. 

I received more pleasant attention, compliments and experienced better feeling interactions with male friends, as well as total strangers. 

I took these shifts as evidence that my story was in the process of coming true.

Less than two weeks after writing the story of my new love life, a series of interesting events and synchronicities (which I’ll save for sharing at another time) led to the full manifestation of my sexy awesome man vortex.

It turned out that my perfect partner had been hiding in plain sight for years!

My longtime friend, Nick, had been in my world for over 5 years before we became a couple. 

He was right under my nose the entire time! 

But, it wasn’t until I made the shift in my energy that this perfect-for-me-partner was revealed.

Sometimes when we think about manifesting, it can feel like what we want must be far away or somehow “out there” at a distance. Seeing things this way makes manifesting feel harder than it needs to be. 

On the other hand, when we realize that what we want is probably a lot closer than we think, it can help us shift from doubt or worry to curiosity and excitement. 

Yes, your dream come true can literally be only one phone call, internet article, lightbulb idea or next step away!

Here’s to letting ourselves see the awesomeness that’s already here,



Thinking With Your Higher Self


Never Make Yourself Wrong