3 Thoughts to Go from Doubt to Belief to Manifestation

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels


Here’s a simplified formula for how dreams come true:

Desire + Belief = Manifestation

In other words, dreams that we believe in become a reality in our experience.

It’s an easy formula to follow when it comes to things that we easily believe in...

But, for Big Dreams, those desires for which we have no idea how they could manifest, it’s often much more challenging to believe!

When that’s the case, we can end up killing our big dreams with equally big doubts.

How do we stop doubting and start believing?

First of all, it helps to remember that a belief is simply a thought that we keep thinking.

So, developing solid belief in big dreams simply comes down to practicing new thoughts. It’s about gradually retraining our mind to focus more on the reasons why what we desire can happen and less on the reasons to doubt.

For example ...

  • Focusing on the signs (no matter how small!) that the dream is coming together and downplaying any signs that it’s not happening.

  • Telling the story of how things are working out instead of the story of why it’s unlikely to happen.

  • Becoming more and more specific and detailed about why we deserve it, why it’s a good idea, and why we should believe it will happen while becoming more and more fuzzy, general and vague about anything that seems to go against what we desire.

Ready to get started retraining your mind to believe in big dreams?

Below are three thoughts I’m using to help me shift from doubt to belief around my current set of big dreams. Hope you find them helpful too.

Thought #1: My big dreams are easy for Source

When we think about the bigness of what already is accomplished by Source Energy, our own big dreams automatically seem waaaay easier in comparison.

The intelligence of Source keeps our bodies functioning in all of their amazing complexity. Our heart beats, our food gets digested and converted into energy, our body continually heals and regenerates itself, and so on.

Then, there’s the complexity and brilliance of how the rest of the natural world functions. A tiny seed becomes a giant tree, for example.

As Abraham has said, “Source keeps the planet spinning in perfect proximity to other planets, so we think we can handle what you want to create!”

While we may doubt ourselves or our own abilities... it’s harder to doubt that Source Energy can get the job done when reflecting on these amazing examples!

We can simply decide to allow Source to manifest amazing things through us too.

Thought #2: I wouldn’t have manifested the desire if it wasn’t meant for me to create this.

One way that I like to think about desires is that they’re like seeds planted in our minds and hearts.

Though it may be tiny, a seed can contain the entire blueprint and potential to become a giant sequoia!

If we nurture and care for our seeds of desire, just like with the tree, they too will naturally grow, flourish, and fully develop.

Following this line of thinking, it makes sense that manifesting the seed of desire is an indication that we have the potential to generate the full grown manifestation.

All we need to do is trust in our ability and do what it takes to nurture and care for our desires. Then, they can grow into what they’re intended to become.

Thought #3: I’ve done this before and I can do it again.

Another way to help talk yourself into believing in your big dreams is to recall past big dreams that at once seemed unlikely but that are now an easy, natural part of your reality.

For example, think about who you were ten or twenty years ago and what you dreamed about then.

It’s likely that the things that used to feel “big” to you back then have by now manifested. And, they probably don’t feel “big” anymore, but simply normal.

For example, in my teens and early twenties, I dreamed of moving to the West Coast.

While this dream felt really big to me back then, to the current me that’s now lived in Portland, Oregon for over a decade, living here feels natural and obvious.

Basically, this doubt-busting thought comes down to:

If I’ve manifested big stuff before, then I can certainly do it again.

Just getting started...

The power of thinking new thoughts truly is in the repetition.

It takes time and practice to retrain habitual thoughts into the thoughts that transform big dreams from doubtful to done deal.

But, while this process can take some time, the good news is that this way of thinking provides instant benefits as well.

Believing feels so much better than doubting. That sweet feeling of hopefulness that you truly can create what you most want is a gift unto itself.

In this way, being optimistic and hopeful improves your life right now, even though the big dream has not yet been realized.

It can just as much fun to let yourself anticipate good things as it is to actually receive them.

Here’s to practicing ourselves into better and better,



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