You’re the #1 Expert on You

Photo by Eternal Happiness from Pexels

Photo by Eternal Happiness from Pexels

Others may think they know ... but, you're the #1 expert on what's right for you.

Today, we're more connected than ever before. There are so many opinions floating around social media, the news and via friends and family about what we "should" and "shouldn't" do.

It can be easy to get lost in the noise and become confused on your best direction.


You remember that your own best guide... is inside!

Trust yourself to know what feels right to you.

Twelve years ago, I left my job in architecture to pursue my dream business as a psychic, coach and teacher. My family thought I was crazy to be pursuing a career outside of the masters degree I'd earned just a couple years prior.

Then, four years ago, after manifesting my dream of becoming a full-time entrepreneur, intuition led me back into architecture. Other entrepreneurs thought I sounded ridiculous to be excited to go back into a dreaded J.O.B.

The thing is, even though my choices might make zero sense to those on the outside...

It doesn't matter because only I can know what feels right to me on the inside.

Turns out that I happened to be inspired to leave the architecture profession right before the economic recession in 2008 when several of my former classmates were laid off from their jobs.

Then, eight years later when I felt inspired to go back into architecture, rather than getting in the way of my business dreams, my job turned out to be the perfect support for taking my entrepreneur skills to that next level that I'd been reaching for so long.

These experiences and more have made me realize how true it is that our intuition is super smart (and knows way better than anyone on the outside) the perfect and unique path to get us from wherever we are right now to wherever we most want to go.

To being your own best guide,



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