4 Ways to BREAK a Negative Manifesting Cycle

Ever since my sister, Madeline, moved to Australia in 2020, I’ve dreamed of visiting her.

Australia always seemed like such a fun, interesting, and exotic place!

But despite the fact that now I had a very clear and strong reason to go, for a while my Australia travel dream felt as distant as the faraway continent itself.

I simply couldn’t see myself being able to organize my schedule or finances to allow this Aussie vacation any time soon.

So I did what a lot of us tend to do when our dreams don’t seem very likely.

I put it off for “someday” when conditions were more favorable.

But then, in January 2022, something shifted.

I decided to stop being a lazy manifestor (😉) and set my intention to visit Australia in 2022.

To affirm this new commitment to myself, I immediately went onto Amazon and ordered an Australia guide book.

For many evenings afterwards, I’d read aloud to Nick from the pages of Fodor’s Essential Guide to Australia.

We familiarized ourselves with the various regions of Australia, local customs, traditional foods, and potential fun activities.

It turned out that this simple act of just starting to plan and envision a trip to Australia, even though it still didn’t seem very likely, was the essential first step.

My dream manifested just in time.

I spent the last two weeks of 2022 living it up down under with Nick, my mom, Madeline, and her husband.

It was truly a magical, dream-come-true vacation. The highlights of which I captured in a vlog over here.

But why am I sharing this with you today?

Because my dream Australian vacation wouldn’t have manifested if I’d not been willing to shift my expectations.

As long as I expected that this dream was unlikely, I was unlikely to create it.

In today’s YouTube video, I’m talking about the power of shifting our expectations in order to stop creating repeated unwanted experiences.

I’m sharing four practices that can help break a negative manifesting cycle, just like the one I experienced with continually putting off my Australia travel dream for “someday.”

The good news is that we’re never stuck manifesting the same old unwanted experiences over and over.

As soon as we become aware of the pattern, we can immediately start shifting it and begin to manifest something way better.

These four practices help lead the way.

Click here to watch 4 Ways to BREAK a Negative Manifesting Cycle on YouTube.

Or click play below to watch the video here.

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Today, we’re diving into the topic of breaking out of a negative manifesting cycle.

What exactly do I mean by a negative manifestation cycle?

Let me illustrate with a story from my own life.

A few years back, my partner Nick and I were living a digital nomad lifestyle, traveling and working from different locations. During a house-sitting gig for a friend, we encountered a peculiar pattern. Every time before our friend left for vacation, something in her house would break, usually in threes. The dishwasher leaked, the water heater needed replacement, and a light bulb over the stairs had to be changed—a trifecta of inconveniences.

This recurring theme led me to reflect on the concept of negative manifestation cycles. Simply put, it’s when we find ourselves stuck in a loop of manifesting the same negative experiences.

In my friend’s case, it was an expectation that things would go awry before a vacation. These expectations, or vibrations, create a cycle that can be challenging to break.

Negative manifestation cycles often arise from long-held expectations, shaping our experiences in relationships, daily life, or any area where we’ve developed a narrative like, “This always happens to me.” For instance, I used to project negative expectations onto my partner based on past experiences, causing unnecessary conflicts.

Now, let’s address a fundamental aspect of manifesting: we manifest based on our current vibration, not past experiences. Despite experiencing the same challenges for years, the universe always sees us as fresh and new in this moment. The key lies in breaking the habit of negative thinking and adopting tools to shift our vibration.

4 Practices for Breaking Negative Manifestation Cycles

Now that we've delved into the importance of recognizing negative manifestation cycles, let's explore four powerful practices to break free from these patterns.

Practice #1: Cultivate a “Clean Slate” Consciousness

The first step is awareness. It's crucial to recognize where these negative cycles are playing out in our lives.

Often, we unconsciously accept situations as they are, anticipating a repeat based on past experiences.

Practice embracing the concept of a clean slate with the universe. Remember, we manifest based on our current vibration, not past occurrences.

Taking a moment to pause, become aware, and make a different choice in the present can initiate a shift in the manifestation process.

Practice #2: Reconnect with Initial Positive Feelings

For practice number two, consider revisiting your initial positive emotions about a particular topic.

For example, in romantic relationships recalling the early stages when you felt love, attraction, and focused on positive qualities can be very transformative.

Whether in personal relationships or professional endeavors, like my own experience with my business, reigniting the passion and enthusiasm from the beginning can alter expectations and allow manifestations to align with those positive vibrations.

Practice #3: Engage The Power of a Positive Aspects List

Practice number three involves a technique from Abraham Hicks called the "Book of Positive Aspects."

Take the subject of your negative expectations and create a list of its positive aspects.

This isn't a superficial exercise; it requires genuine, authentic appreciation. Even if it feels challenging initially, identify aspects you truly value.

As you build momentum appreciating these positive aspects, the law of attraction will bring forth more thoughts in alignment with positivity. This shift can often be enough to reshape the manifestation of that particular subject.

A Personal Insight: Reflecting on my past experience living with multiple roommates, I encountered conflicts that prompted me to turn to the positive aspects list. After disagreements, creating this list and shifting my focus from tension to appreciation transformed interactions. The next time I engaged with that person, their energy mirrored the positive aspects I had activated within myself, fostering a more harmonious relationship.

Practice #4: Imagine a Different Reality

As we wrap up our exploration of breaking negative manifestation cycles, let's delve into the fourth and final practice: the power of imagination. This technique, often considered manifesting 101 or creative visualization, involves getting ahead of the situation vibrationally, a concept embraced by Abraham Hicks.

Creative Visualization and Imagination

Practice number four encourages us to use our imagination to envision the situation in a different light. This is particularly effective if there's some time and space before encountering the circumstance associated with negative expectations. Creative visualization allows us to explore alternate scenarios and experiences, providing an opportunity to shift our vibration and expectations.

Strategies to Prepare for Imagination

If you find it challenging to jump from a negative expectation to a positive one, consider using practices outlined in my recent video on money, linked here. This video guides you through moving up the emotional scale, making it easier to genuinely vibrate based on a new expectation or imagined version of the experience.

Harnessing the Power of a Clean Slate

In summary, these four practices offer a comprehensive guide to breaking free from negative manifestation cycles. Remember the fundamental concept that the universe provides us with a clean slate to create what we desire. Despite the duration of a negative situation, we possess the ability to vibrate differently and effect positive change.

Share Your Manifesting Journey

Have you successfully turned around a negative manifesting cycle?

I invite you to share your experiences and insights in the comments below. Whether you used the practices I've discussed or employed other techniques, your story can inspire and help others navigate their own manifesting journey.


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