5 Ingredient Recipe for an Awesome Day


The power of a strong morning routine to elevate your entire day cannot be underestimated.

If your life could use more magic, ease, flow, fun, good vibes and dreams come true, then this is the first thing I’d focus on tweaking. 

A morning routine that feels good and raises your vibe yields an exponential positive influence upon the way the rest of the day (and the rest of your life!) unfolds. 

When you plant this positive seed in the morning, the Law of Attraction responds to this energy and amplifies it for the rest of the day. 

I recommend experimenting to find the morning routine that feels best to you. 

Mine has gone through several tweaks to get it just right. And, I still tweak it according to the season, my mood and my current manifesting practice.

Below is the basic 5-ingredient “recipe” I follow to set the stage for an awesome day.

1. Wake up without an alarm

To me, it’s so much more enjoyable to wake up naturally.

If you’ve never tried this before, I recommend giving this a try if waking up without an alarm sounds good to you too. 

To do this, you simply set the intention with yourself that you’ll wake up at a certain time. And, your intuition/ superconscious mind does the rest. 

Typically, as long as I’m in bed at a reasonable hour, I find myself awake and alert at my chosen time.  

2. Meditation

Some days, I wake up kinda cranky.  

At times like these, 15 minutes of meditation is worth its weight in gold.

I set my timer, close my eyes, count my breaths, and continually redirect my wandering mind back to my breathing. Eventually, my mind begins to calm down and I start to feel that peaceful, and sometimes incredibly blissful, sensation of my vibration rising.

After this reboot, I’m transformed into an all-new, less cranky, less drowsy, more clear and calm Adrianne.

3. Favorite morning beverage

Most days, yerba mate is my morning beverage of choice.

Before meditation, I make myself a cup. And, by the time mediation is complete, my yerba mate is nicely steeped and at the perfect temperature for sipping. 

4. Creative visualization and journaling 

I take my cup of yerba mate over to my desk, open my favorite journal and write today’s date on the page. Most days, I do a combination of journaling and creative visualization around the current set of intentions I’m manifesting. 

I find that writing in a journal helps focus my thoughts, plus it can be really helpful and fun to read back on what I’ve written later on. 

5. Exercise

Usually, after meditation and journaling, my body craves movement. 

Most days, I go outside for a nice long walk. Walking along the river path where I live is one of my favorite activities. 

I always find something interesting to listen to during my walk because for me that makes it even more fun. 

Often, I receive valuable insights and inspired ideas during these walks. Just another reason why I love them and why I make it a habit to do this every single morning. 

Do you have a morning routine that gets the good vibes flowing?

If not, I highly recommend whipping up your own tailored-to-your-unique-tastes morning routine recipe.

The principle is simple. When you get the feel-good vibes flowing strong early in the day, that momentum will tend to carry you the rest of the way forward.  

You end up manifesting a way more awesome day than you otherwise would’ve.  

And, an awesome life is just a string of one awesome day after another, right?

Here’s to starting every day out on the right foot,



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