50 Ways to Feel Better Now

In my book, feeling better is EVERYTHING.


When I feel better...

  • my vibration rises

  • I’m more receptive to my intuition

  • I’m smarter, funnier, more creative and get better ideas

  • Law of Attraction serves me up better feeling manifestations

Those are just a few reasons off the top of my head for why feeling as good as I can in each moment is my #1 goal.

Plus, feeling good feels good. Duh. 😁

So, it definitely is a reward in and of itself... even if it didn’t lead to all of our dreams coming true and creating a new and better world of equality, peace and love... it would still be a worthwhile aim!

With the importance of feeling good in mind, I decided to brainstorm us a list of 50 things to do that can help with feeling better.

The good news is that there are way more than 50 things! This is just what came to my mind.

When you tune in to your intuition, you may be led to some of these ways or to something completely different. The paths to feeling good are infinite.

Below are 50 ideas to get your feeling-better gears turning.

For me, simply reading over this list helps raise my vibe. Just imaging doing some of the things on this list already begins to elevate my mood.

Hope it does the same for you too.

Love and Magic,


50 Ways to Feel Better Now

Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

1. Goof Off. 

2. Take one baby step towards a juicy goal or project you’ve been meaning to get to “someday.”

3. Celebrate the heck out of that baby step. 

4. Put on comfy clothes. 

5. Clean out and organize a messy closet or drawer. 

6. Doodle. 

7. Trade walking for skipping. 

8. Take a relaxing shower or bath.

9. Dance. 

10. Stretch.

11. Strike a superhero pose. 

12. Get some fresh air. Open a window or step outside.

13. Put bare feet on the ground. 

14. Stand in the sunshine.

15. Take a deeeeeep sloooooow breath.

16. Eat chocolate.

17. Cuddle. Your sweetheart, a pet, a stuffed animal, a pillow. 

18. Relax your face into a soft smile.   

19. Enjoy warm drinks (coffee, tea, chai, hot chocolate).

20. Do something you enjoyed as a child. 

21. Be silly.

22. Give yourself the day/ afternoon/ hour/ next five minutes “off.”

23. Watch baby goats or baby bunnies or whatever your favorite baby animal is on YouTube.

24. Whip yourself up something delicious in the kitchen.

25. Meditate.

26. Take a nap.

27. Daydream.

28. Exercise.

29. Say a polite “no” to something you don’t want to do with 0% guilt.

30. Hug a tree. 

31. Sing along to your favorite song. Loudly. 

32. Straighten your posture. 

33. Pull weeds in your garden.

34. Journal.

35. Study something interesting.

36. Watch your favorite funny show or movie.

37. Listen to some Abraham. 

38. Give someone a compliment. 

39. Take a walk. 

40. Catch up with a friend or family member. 

41. Recall a favorite memory.

42. Cry it out.

43. Wear your power color. 

44. Look for positive evidence that your desires are manifesting. 

45. Drink a tall glass of water.

46. Do a brain dump. 

47. Do a digital detox for a week/ day/ hour/ 30 minutes.

48. Explore a new part of town. 

49. Watch a sunrise or sunset. 

50. Give up trying to be “perfect” and just be you


My Favorite Way to Transform Negative Emotion


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