How can Magic Makers help create a world of equality, peace and love?

Photo by ATC Comm Photo from Pexels

Photo by ATC Comm Photo from Pexels

As you’re probably already aware, here in the United States and across the world, there is enormous sadness and anger about the recent murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breanna Taylor and other black americans who’ve been senselessly killed because of the color of their skin.

There is very justifiable outrage about the ways in which racism has played out in both subtle and obvious ways throughout the history of the United States.

  • As Magic Makers and students of deliberate creation, what is our best role in helping to end racism?

  • How can we best leverage our sensitivity and awareness towards creating a world of greater equality, peace and love?

While I never claim to have all the answers, I can share what perspectives bring me a greater sense of clarity. I can share what is helping me to feel more useful and less overwhelmed.

The first thing I remind myself is that when we ask it is given.

Source Energy hears all of our cries, both spoken out loud and held within our hearts, for greater equality, peace and love. And, Source immediately provides answers and solutions for how this new reality can manifest.

But, because we’re the powerful Creators of our reality, these answers and solutions will not fully manifest until we get into the frequency that matches them.

There is great power in alignment.

As Abraham says, “One who is connected to Source Energy is more powerful and more influential than millions who are not.”

And so, with this understanding, here are my top three steps Magic Makers can take to be of most benefit to both ourselves and the world around us.

Step One: Practice Radical Self-Care

Getting into the vibration of the solution means soothing, comforting and nurturing ourselves into a better feeling emotional place.

I understand that this is not necessarily an easy task given what’s happening these days.

Sometimes, the very best first step to feeling better is simply reminding ourselves that whatever we’re feeling right now is okay.

Don’t push against wherever you are right now. You don’t have to rush into feeling better. You’ll get there in your own time and in your own way.

For me personally, I had to take a break from reading the news and following social media. Once I felt informed enough about the problem I wanted to begin turning myself towards the solution. This break was immensely helpful for regaining clarity and alignment.

Step Two: Clarify the Vision

Once we’re feeling better, we’re in the vibration to begin receiving the solution that Source Energy is broadcasting.

We’ll begin to see, feel and know what Source knows - the new, amazing world of greater equality, peace and love that is not only possible but is now in the process of becoming.

We’ll begin to see the subtle evidence that this vision is manifesting.

Step Three: Take Inspired Action

From a place of knowing our vision of a better world, we’ll be inspired to any actions necessary to help bring this vision into reality.

These actions will feel really good, inspired and easy because we’ll be acting with the full power of Source Energy flowing through us.

From this aligned state of being, we’ll experience the perfect timing, know the perfect thing to say and do and allow the magical unfolding that happens when we work in harmony with the loving, benevolent creative power of the Universe.

One Important Caveat

It’s important to keep in mind during this process of creating our new and better world that we are all always going to be creating our own versions of the world.

We can manifest an experience of the world being more just, equal, loving and peaceful.

But, the other people around us are also Divine Creators. They’re also empowered to create the world around them. They may or may not come along with us into our new version of reality.

We can be excited and happy about those who do join us in our new vision. And, we can also learn to be at peace with those who choose something different, knowing that we are all on our own unique journeys of becoming.

Love and Magic,



50 Ways to Feel Better Now


The Magic Makers Manifesto (Manifest...Ohhh!) 😄