55 Mantras for Manifestation

Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

From my personal affirmations archive, below is a list of 55 statements to support the manifestation of any dream, desire or goal.

These “mantras for manifestation” are general statements about conscious creation that tend to do an excellent job at raising my vibe, increasing my sense of clarity and empowerment and helping me to align with whatever I’m currently intending to create.

I hope this list does the same for you and/or perhaps inspires the creation of your own nice, long list of magic-making mantras.

Love and Magic,


P.S. I’ve done my best to give credit where due. So, you’ll notice in parentheses next to some of these mantras the names of favorite teachers whose statements I’ve borrowed or been inspired by to create the mantra.

P.P.S. Mantra-maximization tip: The best and most useful mantras are the ones that “light you up” by either leading you to declare to yourself, “Yes! That’s what I want to create!” or “Yes! That resonates for me as TRUTH.” As always, emotion = vibration. The better you feel when focusing on a mantra the more effective it is at raising your vibration and aligning you with your Vortex and everything you want to manifest. With that in mind, if any of the following mantras don’t feel good to you, by all means, feel free to skip or adjust until they do. One the other hand, if you find something that does feel good, please feel free to adopt it as your own. 😊

55 Mantras for Manifestation

  1. My desires are meant-to-be and fully supported by Source Energy.

  2. I am rich in consciousness and in manifestation. (Deepak Chopra)

  3. The Universe creates around me an abundance of opportunities to manifest what I want.

  4. My dreams come from Source and Source has the power to accomplish them. (Julia Cameron - The Artist’s Way)

  5. Life is supposed to be good for me. And, I allow my Divinely planned good to manifest now.

  6. Whatever I desire I can acquire. (Abhraham-Hicks)

  7. What I want is already DONE on a vibrational level and I enjoy the experience of allowing what I’ve already asked for and received to manifest in 3D.

  8. Following what feels good puts me into alignment with everything I want.

  9. I have a direct line to Source Energy who is in all things and the source of all prosperity.

  10. As I align with Source, I’m naturally guided to my best path of manifestation.

  11. 10 seconds of pure positive thought is equal to about 2 years of action. Practicing alignment gives me HUGE leverage! (Abraham-Hicks)

  12. Being happy and having fun bring good things. That’s my vibrational currency! (Abhram-Hicks)

  13. It’s easy to just chill out and let what I want in because abundance is my natural state of being.

  14. It’s not my job to figure out the how. It’s my job to chill out, have fun and allow.

  15. All that I seek is now seeking me too. (Rumi)

  16. With Divine Enthusiasm, I bless what I have and look with wonder at its increase. (Florence Scovel Shinn)

  17. I am in the flow of divine synchronicity and blessings.

  18. All my needs and desires are INSTANTLY MET by a loving Universe.

  19. The Universe creates around me an abundance of opportunities to manifest what I want.

  20. It’s good to be me, and getting better and better all the time!

  21. There’s always more where that came from.

  22. Everything is always working out right for me. (Abraham-Hicks)

  23. I am supplied for today and all my tomorrows.

  24. My success benefits others.

  25. I am an irresistible magnet for all that belongs to me by divine right. (Florence Scovel Shinn)

  26. My desires exist for a reason … because I am meant to manifest them!

  27. The entire universe is on my side and rooting for my success.

  28. I am a divine being in human form. I fully access my divine creative power and use this to transform the world within me and around me.

  29. Right ideas come to me at the right time.

  30. I sit back and relax and let what I want fill in around me.

  31. I am a Divine Child of the Universe and open to receive all my blessings now.

  32. My ideal life is already here, ready for me to step into.

  33. I am in charge of my life and can create it with my thoughts and awareness.

  34. The decks are now cleared for Divine Action and my own now comes to me under grace in magical ways. (Florence Scovel Shinn)

  35. Life loves to surprise and delight me with wonderful manifestations.

  36. Everything I want wants me too!

  37. My Higher Self always has my back and offers guidance in every moment about how to best align with what I want to create.

  38. An abundance of all good things is natural for me.

  39. I am getting better and better at chilling out, having fun, and allowing life to be good for me.

  40. In every moment I have a new beginning. I am fresh and new in the Universe and I can point my focus towards creating anything I desire.

  41. Everything is unfolding perfectly to manifest the highest and best outcomes in my life.

  42. I am worthy of everything I want.

  43. Good things are in the works for me.

  44. I am the creator of my reality. I create wonderful experiences for myself!

  45. I am a Divine Being in human form. I fully access my Divine Creative Power and use this to transform the world within me and around me.

  46. When I shift my perspective, I see my Divinely Planned Good unfold with grace, ease, and fun.

  47. Whenever I ask, it is GIVEN. I just need to let it in.

  48. My life is unfolding perfectly.

  49. I am in the flow of well-being and good fortune.

  50. My Higher Self focuses on my desires steadily, consistently, and powerfully, summoning to me everything necessary to bring them fully into form.

  51. It's not my job to fix anything or anyone. Nothing is broken. Everything is being tended to by Source Energy. All I need to do is focus on feeling good and follow my inspiration. This aligns me with my own highest good and the highest good of all. This makes me a vessel for Source.

  52. Reality is never fixed but FLUID and FLEXIBLE. It’s constantly morphing and changing. At any point in time I have the Divine Power to create something new.

  53. I am already worthy of everything I desire. My worth was never in question. Today, I own my worth and allow my Divine Blessings to manifest now!

  54. I will be ready for what’s ready for me! When I shift my vibration, I perceive the Golden Opportunities that Source has laid out before me.

  55. I am already doing very well. And, as I reflect on what’s working, it multiplies itself!


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