6 Reasons Why What You Want IS Manifesting

Last summer, Nick and I were in the habit of taking an evening stroll through the neighborhood.

We’d start in townhouse-ville (my affectionate name for where we live, which is, yes, full of townhouses), then head past the community garden, do a mini hike through the forest, then down the hill along a less town-housy suburban street, and arrive at our final destination - the big wood and steel pedestrian bridge over Beaverton Creek.

Usually, I’d cross the bridge and “tag” the rounded top of a bright yellow bollard on the other side, secretly imagining that my walk was actually some kind of game show obstacle course.

By late summer, the area adjacent to this bollard became extremely overgrown.

Walking past the tall, spindly plants one evening, I took a startled jump back.

Something was peering out at me through the dense foliage.

A closer look revealed that this wasn’t some kind of wild animal but instead a creepy statue of a small deer.

I say “creepy” not only for the way that someone had obviously positioned this statue so that it looked like it was just peering out at you through the thicket, only visible from one direction along the pathway, thus making it very easy to get startled by… but also because it was badly worn and missing an ear and most of a hoof.

For the next few weeks, every time I walked past this creepy deer statue I wished that whoever put it there had just left it in their own yard, or wherever it came from, instead of abandoning it next to our neighborhood pathway.

Eventually, the spindly, overgrown plants were cleared away but the creepy deer with the missing ear remained.

Then one brisk fall morning while crossing the creek, sights set on tagging my bright yellow bollard, I noticed that creepy little deer had a new accessory.


He now wore a fabric headband with not only a proper set of deer ears but cute little antlers too.

This simple makeover started a bit of a domino effect.

A week later, creepy deer got a sidekick - creepy deer 2. In mid October, the new deer crew dressed up for Halloween.

This started a trend. They wore new holiday looks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and Valentine’s Day.

Last week they rocked some pretty sweet St. Patrick’s Day get ups and have now been joined by a few more woodland creatures.

Why am I sharing this with you today?

Well, it’s not just because creepy deer’s transformation from shabby eyesore to beloved neighborhood mascot is probably my favorite glow up of 2022.

I mean, when this statue first startled me last summer, I never would have guessed that, not too long afterwards, I’d actually look forward to seeing this every time I walk the neighborhood circuit.

In the same way that this sort of unbelievable shift occurred, we too can take what looks unbelievable, iffy, or unreasonable and turn it into clear, certain, inevitable, desired, fully manifested reality.

And one of the ways that we do this is the topic of today’s YouTube video.

This key manifesting method is building strong muscles of belief. 💪✨

In the video, I share 6 powerful reasons to choose faith over fear and dreams over doubts.

Because it’s not just deer statues that can benefit from magical transformations, right?

Let’s more fully tap into our mental powers of belief to help create more of what we want to see in our own lives and in the world as a whole.

Click here to watch 6 Reasons Why What You Want IS Manifesting on YouTube.

Or, click play on the embedded video below and scroll on for the AI generated blog post version of this video 🤖✨

Today I'm excited to dive into the transformative power of belief and why choosing faith over fear and dreams over doubts can be the catalyst for manifesting your deepest desires.

The Magic of Belief

Manifestation is not just about setting intentions; it's about cultivating a mindset that aligns with your true desires. In this blog post, I'll share six compelling reasons why believing in the manifestation process is a super skill worth developing. The ability to talk ourselves into believing in our dreams, no matter how unlikely they may seem, can be a game-changer. Let's explore why.

The Power of Feeling

Believing in what our hearts truly desire feels incredible, whereas doubt can cast a shadow on our aspirations, leaving us feeling disheartened. The simple act of cultivating a strong mental muscle of belief brings about positive emotions, making the journey towards our dreams much more enjoyable.

Bold Action and Empowerment

When we genuinely believe in our ability to manifest, it propels us to take bolder action in our lives. This empowerment leads to a higher level of living, where we show up more powerfully and clearly. Belief becomes the driving force behind our actions, creating a positive feedback loop that fuels the manifestation process.

The Essence of Manifestation

Choosing faith over fear and dreams over doubts is not just about feeling good; it's the essence of how manifestation happens. Coming into alignment with what you want requires a level of belief and expectation that transcends doubt. This alignment energetically closes the gap, allowing you to effortlessly attract and manifest your desires.

Let's now explore the first three reasons to believe that what you want is manifesting:

Reason #1: You Know How the System Works

As conscious creators, you understand that we live in an energy-based system where manifestation is possible. The question isn't whether your desires can happen; it's about applying your knowledge of manifestation to bring them into reality.

Reason #2: Your Higher Self is Manifesting With You

Your higher self, or Source energy, is always focused on what you want. This pure positive energy consistently believes in your ability to have what you desire. Manifesting becomes easier when you realize that your higher self is actively supporting your dreams.

Reason #3: It's Easy for Source

Reflecting on the incredible feats accomplished by Source Energy, such as the automatic functioning of your body and the wonders of nature, makes it easier to believe in your own abilities. What seems daunting to you is simply "all in a day's work" for Source energy, fostering a sense of cooperation and empowerment.

Reason #4: You’ve Created “Big” Things Before

One powerful reason to believe in the manifestation of your desires is the realization that you've already accomplished big or unlikely things in the past. Take a moment to think about where you were 20 years ago and compare it to your current reality. Chances are, there are aspects of your life today that would have seemed impossible or grandiose back then.

Reflecting on personal experiences, I recall my teenage dream of living on the west coast. At that time, it felt like an enormous, far-fetched goal for a small-town Tennessee resident. Fast forward to now, and living in Portland, Oregon for 15 years feels natural and automatic. By acknowledging past achievements, especially those that once felt unattainable, you can boost your belief in the manifestation of your current dreams.

Exercise: Share Your Manifestation Journey

I invite you to share in the comments below any similar experiences in your life. Is there something that once felt big or unbelievable, but you've successfully manifested it into your reality? Your personal stories not only inspire others but also serve as a powerful reminder of your manifesting prowess.

Reason #5: Others Have Done It, and So Can I

Consider this: whatever you're striving to manifest, there are others who have felt the same initial skepticism or uncertainty. Reflect on examples of people who once had dreams that seemed insurmountable but managed to turn them into reality. By acknowledging these success stories, you can retrain your mind to see your own situation as inevitable. Others have closed the gap and found alignment with their desires, and so can you.

Reason #6: Lots of Things Have Already Clicked Into Place

When pursuing a dream that feels enormous, it's common to focus on the challenges and reasons why it might seem unlikely. However, to truly come into alignment and manifest what you want, it's crucial to shift your focus. Instead of dwelling on potential obstacles, start paying attention to the signs and evidence that your desires are in the process of unfolding.

In the video, I mentioned a helpful resource, "10 Signs That What You Want Is Manifesting," which can guide you in identifying these signs. Cultivating this discipline of recognizing and celebrating the manifestations occurring around you will aid in the shift from viewing your dream as uncertain to seeing it as inevitable.

From Doubt to Certainty

In conclusion, the power of adopting a mindset that believes in the inevitability of your desires lies in the repetition of this mental shift. It's a process of retraining your thought patterns from doubt to certainty, from seeing your dreams as unattainable to embracing them as inevitable. Remember, this shift not only leads to manifestation but also brings present-moment benefits, enhancing the way you feel and how you show up in your life.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the six reasons to believe that what you want is manifesting. Happy manifesting!


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