Here’s Why 2020 is a Golden Manifesting Opportunity

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Despite the fact that there’s only two and a half months left in 2020, there’s still plenty of time to take advantage of the golden manifesting opportunity presented by this unique year.

Sure, many people believe that 2020 is the worst year ever…

But, it actually has the potential to be one of the best years … especially, if you’re willing to flex your conscious creator muscles.

Let me explain…

The reason why 2020 is such a golden manifesting opportunity is because great asking causes great answering.

As Abraham says, “when we ask, it is given.”

Even if we don’t do it consciously, whenever life causes us to know what we don’t want, we automatically ask for what we do want instead. And, these desires are automatically heard and answered by Source Energy.

Because of the dramatic way that 2020 has unfolded, many people are asking with greater strength and power than usual.

And, this causes an equally strong, powerful response from Source.

Because we’re all one collective consciousness, we all have access to this powerful Source Energy response. We all get to receive the abundance, answers, wellbeing and solutions that Source is broadcasting even if we were not the ones who originally summoned this energy.

The only requirement to receive this blessing boost is that we must be more of an energy match to solutions instead of to problems.

That’s key. And, it’s where it really helps to be a conscious creator who understands the power of being in alignment, no matter what is happening in your personal life or the world around you.

Often, all that’s required is simply finding ways to tip the balance of our energy so that we’re in alignment more often than not.

For example…

  • feeling good more often than we feel bad

  • trusting in wellbeing more often than we worry or doubt

  • relaxing more often than we stress

  • finding things to enjoy and appreciate more often than we find things to complain about

  • giving ourselves and others the benefit of the doubt more often than we criticize or judge

From this slightly more “allowing” state of being, the good stuff naturally flows in!

And, these days, the benefit of practicing energy alignment seems to be even easier to recognize.

It’s certainly been my experience so far this year that it feels even easier than ever before to manifest desired outcomes.

It’s like I’m getting more mileage out of my alignment practice than normal... and, I have to say I really like it!

When enough of collective consciousness tips the balance into more of an “allowing” place, amazing global solutions will manifest.

Won’t that be wonderful?

But, even before this happens, on an individual level, we’re perfectly positioned to manifest our own amazing solutions now.

And, by allowing the good stuff to manifest into our own lives, we become examples and guiding lights.

We shine a light on the path to wellbeing and help make it even easier for others to discover their direct channel to these amped up Source Energy blessings.

Here’s to making the most of the manifesting mojo of 2020.

Love and Magic,



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