Your Higher Self Already Has It Figured Out

Photo by George Becker from Pexels

Photo by George Becker from Pexels

One of the most important realizations that occurs along the path of developing your intuition is that your Higher Self truly does already have it all figured out.

No matter what you want to manifest, your Higher Self has already figured out exactly how to get you to that destination and will guide you step-by-step all the way there, if you allow this.

The problem comes in, however, when instead of relying on our higher mind to do this job, we try to figure out the “how-will-it-happen” ourselves, using our limited physical mind.

Our conscious mind was not designed to figure out complex issues like how exactly we can best get from where we are now to where we most want to be. There are simply too many variables involved for the limited processing capabilities of our physical minds.

But, our superconscious mind can easily take into account all of the possibilities, options and paths and determine with laser-like-precision our best next step to take.

And so...

The job of our physical mind is not to try to figure things out but to receive what our higher mind has already figured out.

That Time When My Higher Self Figured Out How Best to Launch My Business

Way back in December 2008, I decided that I was finally ready to launch my new business as a psychic reader.

After having completed my training and given several practice readings to family and friends, I was super excited to begin attracting my first paying clients.

However, I had no idea about the best way to do this!

Fortunately though, my Higher Self did.

The inspired idea that came to me was to get the word out about my new business by offering a free sample of my work.

Specifically, I decided to offer free mini-psychic readings by email in exchange for joining my newsletter list. And, at the end of each of these email mini-readings, I would offer a limited time discount on the purchase of a paid reading.

I was also guided to do this free mini-reading on a person’s primary life lesson, a technique I’d learned how to do through the psychic training program I’d recently completed.

The next step I was led to take was to post about this free mini-reading offer in the very popular online forum of personal development blogger Steve Pavlina.

Here’s where the pieces started to click into place in a very magical and obviously-Higher-Self-figured-it-out-for-me kind of way:

Back in the day in Steve’s online forum, there would be a new thread created for each of his blog posts as well as for those written by his wife, Erin, who was also a psychic reader and very popular blogger about all things metaphysical.

After logging in to Steve’s online forum to post about my free life lesson mini-readings, I noticed that Erin had just written an article all about life lessons and created a corresponding forum thread on this topic.

It was absolutely perfect!

There simply could not have been a better time and place to make my free readings offer.

Just as a result of sharing about my offer in this “life lessons” thread of the forum, I received around two hundred requests for my free mini-readings.

It turned out to be a ridiculously easy way to get the word out about my work, gain A LOT of experience doing readings, build my mailing list and attract my first paying clients since several of those who received free mini-readings chose to purchase my paid reading offer.

As this story helps illustrate, your Higher Self is definitely the one that you want to have figuring things out for you!

What’s the best way to receive what your Higher Self has already figured out?

It’s simple.

Anything that gets you into a relaxed, open state of mind makes you a good receiver for this wisdom. For example, I find that I tend to get some of my best inspired guidance while cleaning, walking around my neighborhood, taking a shower or listening to Abraham.

Inspiration also tends to come through loud and clear whenever you feel passionate, excited, have fun, feel especially good and generally have a high vibe.

High vibe = highly receptive to Higher Self guidance.

Then, step two is simply trusting and following through on the inspired ideas that you receive when you’re in the right state of mind.

When you let your higher mind do the job for you that it was designed to do, it will help you solve any problem, answer any question and manifest any dream into reality.

Love and Magic,



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