How to Flip Your Reality

Photo by Mary Taylor from Pexels

Photo by Mary Taylor from Pexels

One of the coolest things about manifesting is that when you shift your vibration the people, places, things and events around you automatically adjust in response.

It’s like being able to “flip your reality.”

In one vibration, you’re without something that you want. In another vibration, your fully manifested desire (or the path to it) naturally appears.

The same people, places, things and events that have been around you for a while suddenly begin producing new and better outcomes.

One of the best examples I have of this is manifesting my partner Nick. He was in my life for six years as “just a friend.”

But, within about a week of deliberately upgrading my romantic-relationships-vibration, a series of synchronicities led to Nick and I realizing that our friendship could become something much more.

I had a similar experience when I was living in a house with very many housemates. A shift in my vibration about a housemate with whom I’d experienced tension or disagreement seemed to inspire them to show up totally differently (in a good way!) the next time that we interacted.

Business and money are two other areas where I’ve seen this principle of “what-you-want-is-already-here” play out.

When I’ve shifted my vibration to align with new clients or extra income, it often manifests quickly from the current set of people and opportunities already around me. Or, if it’s something brand new, often it will enter my life through an already existing channel.

Why do our manifestations “hide in plain sight,” so to speak?

To put it simply: the Vortex.

At least, that’s my best guess! :)

Thanks to our Vortex of Creation everything necessary to manifest our dreams is always kept in close proximity.


I have a full article about it here, but this is the Cliff’s Notes version:

Source Energy wants for us what we want for ourselves and focuses upon our dream-come-true scenarios. Law of attraction responds to Source’s positive focus and as a result, everything needed to manifest our dreams into reality gets attracted to us.

That’s our Vortex in a nutshell. We’re always in the center of this “whirlpool of wellbeing,” you might say.


It’s all already here.

Our dreams are always nearly complete. Everything necessary is already ready and available.

And, that’s why we can have the experience of “flipping our reality.”

Because reality is always primed for flipping into what we want.

All that’s required is that we first “flip”/ shift/ focus ourselves into the vibration that allows reality to reveal to us the blessings that are already here.

Here’s to shifting our vibration so we can perceive and receive the gifts that the Universe has laid out before us.

Love and Magic,


Related Reading:

Your Dream-Come-True is Closer Than You Think

How to Attract the Best From Others

My Secret for Fast Manifestation


5 Favorite Money Affirmations


Worthiness Magic