5 Favorite Money Affirmations

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Maybe it’s Venus transiting my 2nd house of income... but, whatever the cause, lately I’ve felt super inspired to update my money story.

By “money story” I mean the story that I’m telling myself about money. Basically, the thoughts I’m thinking about it.

Part of my money story deep-dive has included an update to my list of money affirmations.


Because, affirmations have been a really powerful tool for improving my feelings, vibration, and manifestations with money.

In my last blog post, I talked about our power to flip reality. When we focus ourselves into a new vibration, it can seem like reality flips as the same things that were previously around us begin producing new and better results.

I’ve had several reality-flipping, instant manifestation types of experiences either while feeling into a juicy set of money affirmations or within about 24 hours afterwards.

For example:

  • Unexpected payments have arrived into my account.

  • I’ve received inspiration for new actions to take or people to connect with that have led to new income or sales.

  • I’ve received insight into how to easily save money or pay off debt faster.

  • Bills and other large, looming expenses have either greatly decreased in size or gone away entirely.

Because of the great results I’ve had with money affirmations, I thought I’d share a sample from my latest crop of good-feeling, vibration-boosting, money-manifesting mantras.

But first, a little disclaimer:

These are the thoughts that are currently working for me. They may or may not produce the same type of emotional juice and energy alignment for you. So, feel free to tweak, adjust, revise, recreate or ignore my list entirely and write up your own.

The most important characteristic of an affirmation (or, any other alignment tool) is that it feels really good… and that’s something only you can discern. 😉

Okay, with that in mind, below is the current set of affirmations that are rockin my money party plus the reason why I like them and what specific part of my money story they’re designed to address.

Affirmation #1: Money comes from my vibration.

I find it super comforting and empowering to remember that the true source of the money in our lives isn’t our job, business, clients, romantic partner, a generous relative, the government, or any other 3D, physical avenue.


Where money comes from iiiiissssss (drumroll please)... our vibration!

And, “the how” of how money arrives (job, lottery win, new client, etc.) is simply whatever our path of least resistance is at the time.

Getting stuck worrying about or trying to micromanage “the how” because we forget that vibration is the true cause can lead to anxiety, worry and feeling powerless.

For example, when the architecture firm I worked for stopped paying me, I didn’t have the power to fix that specific situation. But, I did have the power to vibrate money and attract a new path of least resistance for income to flow into my reality.

That’s why I love this affirmation. It keeps the focus on our true power to create money whenever we like, despite what’s happening around us, by simply adjusting our thoughts and feelings about it.

Affirmation #2: I’m already rich.

Have to give props to my coach, Jeannette, for this one as it was inspired by this advice given in a money manifesting course I took with her a while back:

“Stop thinking that you aren’t already rich.”

Pondering that nugget of wisdom always leads to light bulb moments for me.

Because, it’s true! We are all already rich because we all have free-flowing access to “the energy that creates worlds,” as Abraham would say.

We’re creators and by adjusting our frequency we can attract to us anything that money can buy (and many things that it can’t). Sounds rich to me!

Affirmation #3: I’ve got a good thing going on with money.

Here’s another top tip I picked up from Jeannette:

One easy way to find a super aligned and authentic money affirmation is to simply ask yourself, “what will I be saying when I’m experiencing my most ideal financial reality?”

That’s where affirmation #3 came from.

I also like this one because it reminds me to focus on the good things already happening with my money. When I say this to myself, my mind naturally starts looking for how it’s already true.

That appreciation feels really good. And, to use my favorite financial lingo play-on-words ever, appreciation... appreciates!

So, in addition to the feel-good-factor, this one also acts to attract more and more “good things going on with money.”

Affirmation #4: The Universe is generous with me.

I enjoy using this one when receiving a gift or a discount.

Like, the other day when the friendly grocery store clerk insisted that I have two free cans of the full-priced organic pumpkin as the one that was on sale that I’d originally asked about was out of stock.

Or, when my sweetie decided to book us reservations at Eleven Madison Park for our trip to NYC next month.

Just like with affirmation #3, this one helps me to notice, affirm and appreciate even more all the ways that I’m already receiving generously. It helps build the expectation that the Universe being generous is just the way it is for me.

Affirmation #5: My income is constantly increasing.

I like this one as an antidote to the twinge of anxiety that can sometimes be triggered when spending money. It’s a reminder that money leaving our reality doesn’t decrease the money we have available. In fact, it can become the opposite when spending money triggers an affirmation that “my income is constantly increasing.”

Here’s another variation of #5 that’s even more specific to this kind of situation:

“Every time money goes out it always comes back in… multiplied!”

What a nice increasing spell to cast over our money, right?

Quick Wins and Long Term Transformation

As already mentioned, telling a new story about money can lead to quick wins of instant manifestation and seeing our reality do a backflip into something better.

But, the real magic of this tool is that over time total transformation into a whole new level of money manifestation becomes possible.

Regular repetition of a new money story means gradually and sustainably coaching ourselves into new financial set point vibrations, expanding our comfort zone to allow in larger amounts of money and totally up-leveling our ability to enjoy money in our lives.

Sounds like a practice worth committing to, right?

Here’s to leveraging our power to tell it like we want it to be and enjoy the vibrational manifestational shift that follows.

Love and Magic,


P.S. Do you have any favorite money affirmations?

If so, please share. It’s only fair. I gave you mine. 😁

Shoot me a message or post a comment below to let me know what you love to affirm about money in your life.


Would you be interested in affirmations for manifesting what you want in other areas of life in addition to money?

If so, please let me know if you’d like me to share my best affirmation for self-love, relationship success, physical health and vitality, manifesting your dream home or any other topic that sounds good.

Share your thoughts here to let me know what I should write about next.


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