Manifesting 101

While sprucing up the “Manifesting 101” training for my coaching program, I realized that some of this material could also be a helpful addition here at the blog. 

Why review the basics, I imagine you asking?

Two reasons:

  • First, fundamentals are… you guessed it, fundamental! Everyone wants the new, fancy thing… but often, true mastery comes down to mastery of the basics. 

With this in mind, in this blog post, I plan to not only give my take on manifesting fundamentals but to also share why I find getting back to the basics super helpful.

  • Second, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of manifesting fundamentals in place for best results. Common confusions around manifesting stem from a misunderstanding of the basics.

So without further ado, I present to you “Manifesting 101.” 

(Well, maybe just one further “ado” in the form of a side note: If you hang around here for any length of time, you’re bound to discover that I’m not just a huge manifesting geek, but specifically, a huge Abraham-Hicks-style-of-manifesting geek. If you’re an Abe fan as well, then you’ll definitely recognize their teachings as the basis for what I share below. See books like Ask and It Is Given or The Vortex if you’d like to go even deeper into any of these concepts.)

Manifesting 101

Everything in the Universe is made of energy, specifically, it’s all made of Source Energy. 

Source Energy is an energy of infinite intelligence, power, love, and wellbeing.

We, like everything else in the Universe, are made of Source Energy. 

Thoughts are energy too.

The law of attraction, the principle of “like attracts like,” organizes all of the energy in the Universe. 

It’s through the law of attraction that we create our reality. We create through the attractive power of our thoughts which attract to us energetically similar thoughts, people, places, events, and every other kind of manifestation. 

But we’re not the only ones who are thinking and attracting on our behalf. We all also have higher selves, a part of us who is pure Source Energy consciousness who thinks and attracts manifestations to us. 

Whenever we’re thinking about something, our higher selves are thinking about it too at the same time.

But while we have a wide range of how we tend to think about things, our higher selves think only pure positive thoughts of wellbeing, abundance, empowerment and the like. 

Our higher selves focus purely upon our true heart’s desires, taking into account every preference that we’ve ever defined through life experience. Our higher selves continually focus upon and hold the vision of what would please, delight, and satisfy us most. 

The powerful, consistent focus of our higher selves upon our wellbeing and true heart’s desires causes a strong response from the law of attraction. The result is that everything needed to provide for our wellbeing and realize our true heart’s desires is attracted into our vicinity. 

When our thoughts align with what our higher selves are thinking, we also align with the powerful manifesting that our higher selves do on our behalf.  We’re then able to recognize, realize, and receive all of the good stuff needed to create what we want… the stuff that’s already been attracted to us by the focus of our higher selves.

Our emotions tell us how aligned our thoughts are with what our higher selves think about the same topic at any given time. 

Manifesting is simply about finding a way to align our thoughts with how our higher selves think about the same thing. It’s about finding a way to think about what we want in ways that feel really good and therefore that align with the perspective of our higher selves and with what we want to manifest.  

The better a thought feels, the more aligned it is. The worse a thought feels, the more out of alignment it is.

We can tell how aligned we are regarding any specific topic by our dominant feeling/ attitude/ mood about it. The better that a topic mostly feels to us, the better it manifests into our reality. Improving a specific manifestation comes down to practicing better and better feeling thoughts about it and therefore coming into greater and greater alignment with our higher self’s perspective and with what we want to experience. 

Manifesting our greatest dreams into reality is often less a matter of creating something brand new from scratch and more a matter of getting into alignment in order to receive what our higher selves have already created on our behalf. 

What I Find Most Helpful About These Manifesting Basics

As I mentioned in The 7 Habits of Highly Magical People, to me it’s very comforting to remember that I’m never manifesting alone. It can be super helpful to remember that whenever I feel like what I want to manifest is unlikely or I doubt my ability to accomplish what I want, there’s another part of me who has zero doubt and total belief. 

Another thing I really enjoy about these “Manifesting 101” concepts is that it helps to explain why manifesting happens so quickly and easily when I’m really in the flow.

Have you noticed this too - how fast things start clicking into place when you’re truly in alignment?

When I remember that I have a higher self who is always manifesting on my behalf and attracting, as Abraham would say, “cooperative components,” to me then it makes sense why high alignment produces such swift results. All of the necessary ingredients for what we want to create are already around us and highly accessible. It just takes that shift of vibrational alignment to be able to perceive what’s already here and receive the benefit of it.

3 Favorite Alignment Practices Inspired by These Concepts

To wrap up this blog post, I wanted to share a few energy alignment practices inspired by these “Manifesting 101” concepts. I find these practices especially helpful in building belief and accessing clarity around desires that feel “too big” or kinda tricky to manifest.

Check out the video below to discover more about my 3 favorite practices:

Hope you enjoyed the practices! ✨

Let me know in the comments below if you’d make any changes or adjustments to my “Manifesting 101” concepts summary. I’d also love to know if these ideas sparked any new insights on how to adjust your own manifesting practice for best results.

Love and Magic,



The Benefit of NOT Manifesting What We Want


How to Tell How Close You are to Manifestation