Releasing Attachment

Have you ever experienced that tense, anxious feeling of concern that something that you really want might not happen?

For example:

  • Maybe you had an amazing first date, but it’s been a few days without hearing from your new love interest and now you’re starting to worry that maybe they’re just not that into you.

  • Or, say that you’ve just applied for your dream job but you know there’s competition and now you’re having trouble shaking the fear that you won’t be selected.

While feeling concern when what you want seems iffy might be seen by most people as the normal response…

… that’s exactly the kind of vibe that can seriously slow down our desired manifestations.

Uncomfortable feelings of worry, concern, doubt, and fear attract similar vibrations. They perpetuate the lack of what we want instead of the realization.

What’s the solution?

In order to allow in manifestation, we must get good at feeling good during the “baking time.”

Why Manifesting is Kind of Like Baking Banana Bread

Have you ever baked something delicious?

I hope the answer is yes 😊

One of my favorite things to bake is vegan banana bread.

What does this have to do with manifesting dreams into reality?

Well, I’d like for us to try thinking about what we want to manifest just like I think about my banana bread.

You see, banana bread isn’t an instant manifestation. It takes about an hour to properly bake.

But during the baking time, I’m not feeling worry or doubt.

I’m either anticipating how delicious it’s going to be (because that first warm slice of freshly baked banana bread is always the best!) or I’m not even thinking about it at all because I trust the baking process.

That’s basically how we must think about our desires in order to best support their realization.

If we can trust the manifesting process just like I trust my oven, then we’ve got the perfect mindset in place.

Instead of worry, we’ll relax into positive anticipation. Or, we’ll simply move on to thinking about other pleasant things, secure in the knowledge that what we want is underway.

Thoughts for Chilling Out and Trusting the Process

Of course, sometimes chilling out and trusting the manifesting process is easier said than done.

With that in mind, here are a few of my go-to thoughts that help remind me of what I know and help to create feelings of ease instead of feelings of angst about the journey from dream to done.

Thought #1: Remember past successes

Remembering times in the past when you created what you wanted can help build the bridge of belief that you can do it once again.

Thought #2: Adopt your higher self’s perspective

To the higher self part of you, whatever you want to manifest is already a done deal. Try seeing things through the eyes of that totally confident and secure source energy part of you.

Thought #3: Trust what you’ve come to know about manifesting

Lean on your confidence in the manifesting process and what you already know about the law of attraction and your creative power. Find comfort in the knowledge that it’s always working for you and that what you want to create wants to be created.

Thought #4: Look to what’s already working

Count your blessings and take score of everything that’s already going well in your life right now.

Thought #5: Appreciate examples of others’ success

Find inspiration in the success of others and appreciate the example this provides about what’s possible in your life too.

Allowing It In

Adopting a mindset of trust in the process helps release manifesting roadblocks of attachment, worry, fear, and concern that slow down dreams-come-true.

Then, just like when I’m baking my banana bread, we’ll enjoy the time while our manifestations are “still in the oven.” And that enjoyment of the “baking time” is all that’s required to allow whatever we’re wanting right into our experience.

Love and Magic,



How to Tell How Close You are to Manifestation


The 2 Types of Action that Help Manifest Your Dreams