The Yes Game

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Ever feel afraid to let yourself want something because it feels too big, amazing or impossible?

While it may be tempting to put off these types of desires for “someday”...

It can be a trap.

Saying “no” to what we truly want can keep us stuck in an energetic loop.

When we say “no, not now, not yet” to desires that feel too big, amazing or impossible, they tend to keep feeling that way...

  • Not because something that wonderful can’t happen for us

  • Not because we’re not good enough, smart enough, young enough, attractive enough, or whatever

  • Not because astrology says no

  • Not because we don’t have the time, money, knowledge or skill

  • Not because “it’s not meant to be”

.. but simply because we’ve said “no.”

Thanks to the Law of Attraction, our own holding ourselves back from what we want keeps being reflected back to us.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution!

Just notice whenever you’re tempted to say “No, not now, not yet” to something you want...

and switch it to a “Yes!”

The Power of Yes

Saying “yes” creates openness and receptivity.

Saying “yes” helps dissolve the energetic wall of resistance between you and your desires so that they begin naturally making their way into your reality.

Saying “yes” creates a shift in your energy that allows the path to manifestation to be revealed.

My mentor Jeanna Gabellini calls this practice “abundance flooding” because saying “yes!” to everything that you want retrains your thought patterns towards abundance. It creates a mindset that allows for faster, bigger, better and more efficient manifestation!

And, here’s the best news:

You can say an enthusiastic “YES!” to your desires even if you have absolutely no idea how they could possibly happen.

That’s what makes the “Yes Game” so fun and easy… all you have to do is be willing to say “yes!” to what you want.

You don’t have to figure out how it can happen.

You don’t need to take any action towards it (unless that sounds fun).

You don’t need to justify why you want it or deserve it.

All you need to do is great the awareness of a true heart’s desire with a loving embrace instead of a stern cold shoulder.

From Dream to Done in 2021

Will you join me in kicking off the new year with a decision to say “Yes!” to more of our desires… no matter how big, amazing, illogical or unlikely they may at first appear to be?

I love the idea of us playing a strong “yes game” this year!

It’s one of the simplest, easiest, most playful ways to start positive momentum…. momentum that, if we keep it up, will lead us all the way from dream to done.

Love and Magic,



How to Let It Be Easy


My New Year’s Eve Manifesting Practice