My New Year’s Eve Manifesting Practice

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

Besides enjoying tandoori tempeh takeout from a favorite Portland food cart, here are four other things I plan to do this New Year’s Eve to cultivate good vibes and give my manifesting mojo a boost.

NYE Manifesting Practice #1: Create a 2020 Celebrations and Appreciations List

One of the traps that can be easy to fall into as conscious creators is to become so focused on what we want to create in the future that we neglect the good stuff that’s already here.

To help counter this “it’s never good enough,” striving type of energy, I’m creating a list of accomplishments to celebrate and things to appreciate from 2020.

I began my list earlier this week, adding to it as I remember more of what I enjoyed about this year.

It’s been fun to work on this list. Plus, it’s helping me activate a feeling of success and satisfaction which is a nice vibe to build upon for 2021.

NYE Manifesting Practice #2: Create My “Hell Yes” 2021 Intentions List

Only those desires that resonate as a full-body “Hell YES, I 100% want to create this in 2021!” will make it onto this streamlined intentions list.

Living by the mantra of “if it’s not a hell yes it’s a hell no” just feels like the right move for me right now.

NYE Manifesting Practice #3: Select My Top Goals for the First Week of January

Based on my “Hell Yes” intentions list, of course and following along with the approach I wrote about here for how I like to use intentions and goals together in my manifesting practice.

NYE Manifesting Practice #4: Go to Bed Early

For the past few years, I’ve been more excited to go to bed early than to stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve.

To me, going to bed early so that I can wake up early and maximize the first day of 2021 feels like the most fun way to kick off the new year.

Just Getting Started

One of the best things about a brand new year is that it can provide this expansive, sparkly feeling of a brand new clean slate for ourselves and our lives.

Personally, I’m all for leveraging this symbolic time of new beginnings!

And so, here’s to celebrating and lovingly releasing 2020 so that we can allow ourselves to be open to fresh inspiration for who we can become and what we can create in the new year.

Love and Magic,



The Yes Game


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