5 Steps for Powerful Intention Setting + My Intentions for 2023

Today I’m sharing the super-simple, 5-step process that I use to set intentions.

But first, I need to tell you about my food intuition.

Often, while cooking or eating a dish I’ve just prepared, I receive clear intuitive hits about ingredients that will make it taste even better.

“Oooo, this stir fry needs coconut flakes, raisins, and roasted cashews.”

“Let’s cook the quinoa with veggie broth instead of water this time.”

“Chia seed pudding would be even better topped with bee pollen… and sprouted fenugreek!”

When it comes to waffles, however, my food intuition may have gone a little overboard.

You see, homemade buckwheat waffles is a favorite brunch main course for Nick and I.

But at my food intuition’s prompting, our waffle toppings go way beyond the usual butter (or, in our case, coconut oil) and maple syrup.

Over time, my food intuition has suggested that I also include …

  • molasses

  • chocolate chips

  • tahini

  • coconut flakes

  • ground flax seed

  • hazelnuts

  • walnuts

  • chia seeds

  • dried cranberries

  • almond butter

Don’t judge. I really can fit a little bit of all of the toppings onto my waffles… and the flavor combinations are wonderful!

So why am I telling you about my kind of maximalist food tendencies?

Because intention setting is sort of a similar process.

The first time that I prepare a meal, it’s a “first draft” version. Then, over time, intuition inspires me with more and more delicious additions that make it even better.

In a similar way, when setting new intentions for what I want to manifest, I also consider this to be just a first draft.

  • I don’t wait to become perfectly clear before I begin the intention setting process.

  • I don’t try to get my intention just right on the first try.

  • I don’t insist that I know exactly what I want to manifest before I get started consciously co-creating with the Universe.

It’s perfectly fine for the first draft of my intention to be kinda fuzzy and unclear.


Because the next step of my intention setting process is to let my first draft “marinate.”

Creating the first draft of an intention sends out a request to the Universe for further clarity.

In the days that follow creating a first draft, I’m usually inspired with ideas for what to add, adjust, or tweak. Often, these ideas just show up randomly while cleaning the house, driving around town, hiking through my neighborhood forest, or some other similar low-key activity.

After maybe a week or so, my very rough intention first draft becomes pristine and polished. I’m then fully ready to commit to its creation.

In a new video over on YouTube, I’m walking you through all five steps of my intention setting process.

Along the way, I’ll share about why you want to receive your intentions instead of think them up. You’ll also follow along with me as I use the five-step process to set my intentions for 2023.

Click here to watch “5 Steps for Powerful Intention Setting + My Intentions for 2023” on YouTube.

Or click play on the video and scroll on for the AI generated blog post version of this video 🤖✨

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and creative expression?

In this blog post, I'll take you through the five steps I follow to set intentions, using my personal experience of establishing creative intentions for the year 2023.

Let's start with a peek into my world – the bottom drawer of my dresser. It's a treasure trove filled with art journals, sketchbooks, and a mix of drawings. Some pages are bursting with abstract sketches, while others remain untouched for years. Why am I showing you this drawer? Well, it reflects my journey with visual art, a passion I've carried since childhood. My desire is to cultivate consistency in my creative endeavors, and that's at the heart of the intentions I'm setting today.

Intention Setting Step 1: Check Your Vibe

Setting intentions is a dialogue between your mind, heart, and intuition. It's about tapping into your higher self, the Source Energy part of you connected to vast potential of your Vortex. Before diving into intention-setting, ensure you're in the right headspace: a good-feeling, high-vibration state. Allow your higher mind to guide you, seeking inspiration rather than relying solely on analytical thinking.

Ideally, intentions are something that you want to be inspired with. You want to use less of your analytical mind and more of your higher mind. You want to receive the idea of the intention that's right for you to focus upon manifesting right now based on your Vortex.

Intention Setting Step 2: Create Your First Draft

To begin crafting intentions, be in a receptive mode. I gathered colored markers and a large sheet of paper to create a vibrant first draft. The key is to let ideas flow without overthinking. This initial brain dump sets the foundation for refining your intentions in later stages.

Intention Setting Step 3: Let It Marinate

After creating the first draft, give your intentions time to marinate. This step allows for natural refinement and clarity to emerge. In the days following your initial draft, you might find new ideas and perspectives surfacing. This incubation period helps solidify your intentions before finalizing them.

Intention Setting Step 4: Tweak as Inspired

While letting your intentions marinate, stay open to inspiration. Capture new ideas on your phone or in a notebook throughout the day. During routine activities like walking, cleaning, or driving, your mind may offer intuitive insights. When ready, compile these inspirations and tweak your intentions accordingly. This step is about refining and enhancing your initial draft.

Intention Setting Step 5: Finalize Your Intentions

Here's where your intentions take shape in their final form. In my case, I created a document categorizing my intentions into themes such as integrity, learning, distinctive style, and community engagement. While this is the "final draft," remember that intentions are flexible; you can always update them as you receive more inspiration.

In conclusion, the process of setting intentions is a personal and evolving journey. By sharing my experience, I hope to inspire you to embark on your own intention-setting adventure. If you're setting intentions for 2023, feel free to share your goals and methods in the comments. Happy manifesting!


How to Use Goals and Intentions Together to Manifest Faster


What I Saw, Did & Manifested in Australia