8 Intentions that Speed Up Manifestation

Today’s video shares 8 intentions that help to speed up manifestation.

But before we chat about this, I’d like to apologize for not being in touch very much lately, plus share an update on what’s been going on over here.

You may know that I have a background in architecture. That’s what my degree from university is in and I’ve worked several years in that field in the past.

But after a challenging experience at a former architecture job in early 2020, I thought that I was done with this type of work for good.

I thought that I just wanted to do my intuitive reading and coaching business and that’s it.


Over the past few months, I’ve had a change of heart.

I’ve become even more clear about what I truly desire within my life and career, the core experiences and emotions that I crave most right now.

And this discovery process has led to some unexpected new inspiration.

I’m being called back to architecture.

And now, my new dream is to do both architecture AND my business.

For the next few months, though, I’m feeling guided to put architecture front and center and have business take more of a back seat. I’m currently focused upon on learning new software to update my architecture skills in preparation for a new position.

I hope it’s not too boring to share these details! 😅

Just wanted to keep you in the loop so that you understand what I’m up to lately and that I do plan to keep in touch. Although, for the next little while, it may not be as often as I’d like.

This decision to shift focus back to architecture feels a little wild. As mentioned above, it’s something I truly thought I was done with!

But I’ve found that the journey of manifestation often involves being totally open to inspiration… even when it leads in unexpected directions.

That’s why I included this notion within one of the intentions shared in today’s video over on YouTube.

In order to be most effective and efficient as conscious creators, we must trust the inspiration that comes from higher guidance.

After all, higher guidance is “higher” because it has a higher view! It sees the bigger picture and the best possible paths to what we want.

And so, we’re smart to trust inspiration and intuition even when it seems strange, unexpected, or even a little wild and off the wall.

If we’re willing to just take the leap of faith and trust, often, it doesn't take long for the path to be revealed and the reason why we were led in such a way to be understood.

Intending to follow inspiration is just one of the key intentions that help grease the manifesting wheels and transform dreams and desires into 3D physical reality.

There are at least seven more that I’ve found really helpful to pay attention to and they're shared in the video linked below...

Click here to watch 8 Intentions that SPEED UP Manifestation.


What I Saw, Did & Manifested in Australia


Synchronicity & Manifestation // My Stories