Let It Be Enough

Desire can be a tricky thing. The way in which we want something can determine whether or not we manifest it.

If our desire is based around what we have right now not being enough, then we’re unlikely to create the more/ better/ different that we seek. That energy of dissatisfaction isn’t a match for the satisfaction vibe of a dream-come-true. Instead of manifesting what we want, we end up attracting more to feel dissatisfied about.

On the other hand, if we savor and enjoy what is...

If we let it be enough for right now, even while also desiring more down the road...

… that energy of appreciation naturally appreciates. Law of attraction brings us more and more good stuff to enjoy.

Ironically, letting “what is” be enough can be the most effective way to grow it into more.

Developing the Satisfaction Skill

The cure for “it’s-never-enough-itis” is to train ourselves to focus away from what seems lacking and towards what’s already here to enjoy. It’s about extracting maximum pleasure from the here and now.

It’s about developing the skill of satisfaction.

When we...

  • slow down

  • notice what’s already good, great and “enough” right here

  • allow ourselves to fully receive that goodness

  • milk as much enjoyment from it as we can

  • fill ourselves up to overflowing with the satisfied vibe

  • have epiphanies around how good life already is, exactly as is

… we not only no longer miss out on the blessings that the Universe has already laid out before us, but we also become a perfect vibrational match for even more blessings to arrive.

Enjoying Each Dish That The Universe Serves Up

Last week, Nick and I took a trip to New York City. One of the highlights of this long-weekend-mini-vacation was a fancy Friday night dinner at Eleven Madison Park.

It was my first experience of a “tasting menu” - where, instead of enjoying an entire meal in one go, you’re served smaller portions of several dishes one after another.

In this case, we enjoyed twelve courses of artfully prepared vegan food over the span of a little more than four hours.

None of these small dishes felt like a meal. And yet, we never experienced lack or a sense of “not enough.”

We were too busy extracting maximum pleasure from the few bites of matsutake rice porridge with pine and ginger, golden beet with perilla and grapefruit or kohlrabi with sesame tofu, hazelnut and truffle placed in front of us by the highly attentive, friendly wait staff to even notice the lack of actual food on our plates.

(a few favorite dishes + full bellies and happy smiles at the post-feast kitchen tour)

Of course, it’s easy to enjoy what is when it comes to the luxury of a triple Michelin star meal, but wouldn’t it be cool to bring that same level of savoring to folding my laundry, paying bills or fixing that clog in the upstairs bathroom drain? 😊

The Manifesting Shortcut That’s a Gift Unto Itself

Developing the skill of finding satisfaction with what is, so much so that it feels like “enough,” is not only a shortcut for manifesting more to enjoy, but also a gift in itself for the way that it makes us feel.

Here’s to developing the eyes to see the blessings that already abound and the wisdom to savor them so much that they have no choice but to multiply.

Love and Magic,


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