Receiving Intentions

“Look for a place near Nike HQ,” said my intuition.

It was a welcome reply to the question that had been casually floating around in my mind over the past six months:

“Wonder where we’re going to live next?”

Nomad life was a fun new adventure. We’d enjoyed staying at AirBnBs along the Oregon coast and southern wine country. But I knew that sooner or later it would be wise for Nick and I to settle down again into a more permanent housing situation.

And this newly inspired idea gave me the “click” of clarity.

“Of course,” I said to myself. “If we’re close to Nike headquarters, when the pandemic-work-from-anywhere era ends at Nick’s office, he’ll have a short commute, be able to come home for lunch, and we could work out at the gym or OrangeTheory again.”

And so, “Close to Nike” went at the very top of my new “House Intention” list. The rest of the items on the list flowed easily to mind after.

As described here, inspired action led to a quick manifestation. Within about 24 hours of writing out my intention list, we’d signed the lease on our perfect new place.

Force Vs. Flow

But it’s not always that way.

Sometimes, I’ve felt anxious about setting intentions.

I’ve worried that if I don't get clear with the Universe about what I want, then new, exciting, good stuff won’t manifest.

I’ve used force instead of flow. I’ve tried to figure out what I want instead of allowing inspiration to bring it right to me.

Maybe you’ve experienced this too? When setting goals or intentions feels slightly stressful because you’re trying a bit too hard to get it “right.”

Or, you’re putting pressure on yourself to set an intention before you’re actually ready to do so. You’re trying to force clarity instead of allowing it to naturally arrive.

Over time, I’ve noticed a pattern. The intentions that I’ve “thought up” don’t manifest nearly as easily or quickly as the ones that I’ve received.

99.99% Done and That’s Why It’s Fun

Have you ever heard Abraham talk about how what we want to manifest is already 99.99% done before we feel any impulse to create it?

If that’s true then those intentions that we receive from higher guidance are the ones that are the most ripe and ready for the picking, so to speak.

My guess is that this is probably why I’ve noticed a connection between receiving an intention and then (if I can get myself into proper alignment with it) experiencing the fun of an easy, quick manifestation. Because the intention I received was already good and ready to come right into my reality.

What’s the recipe for receiving intentions?

Like with all things manifesting, it comes down to vibration.

From a higher, more-aligned-with-the-Source-within vibration, we more easily receive guidance from our intuition. We’re naturally inspired to those desires and dreams that are ripe and ready for manifestation.

And so, anything that helps elevate our mood, raise our vibration, and flip the switch in our minds from thinking thoughts to receiving inspiration will do the trick.

Here’s to putting zero pressure on ourselves to “figure out” what we want to manifest and instead allowing ourselves to receive perfect-fit intentions into our minds and our realities.

Love and Magic,


P.S. Have you noticed any connections between receiving intentions and how quickly and easily your intentions manifest? Would love to hear about your experience. Leave a comment below or shoot me a message here.

Related Reading:

Action Not Required

The Easy Fun Scale

Thinking With Your Higher Self


The Easy Way to Increase Intuition


Let It Be Enough